• East Chamber meets with (entrepreneurs) in Qatif College of Technology


    East Chamber meets  with (entrepreneurs) in Qatif College of Technology

    The program (innovators), organized by the Eastern Chamber representative of the Centre for the development of small and medium enterprises discussed within the effectiveness of entrepreneurs ways to encourage young entrepreneurs to start their projects and programs designed for this purpose. The program held on the Monday 9 June 2014 at the technical college in Qatif reviewed the importance of promoting entrepreneurship for self-employment among youth also emphasized the importance of the feasibility study and business plan for any project and raise the professional competence of the initiators of self-employment and small and medium-sized enterprises through specialized training programs and activities and talents of youth initiatives through strengthened and straightened, in addition to the transfer of small and medium-sized enterprises to large enterprises through programs and activities and methodology around the world By linking with the counterparts, discussed ways of encouraging investment in the concept of franchise through training programs and seminars and exhibitions.

    The meeting stressed the need to hold the innovators who are patient and persistent and seek ways of financing that fits their ideas and projects leading to enable them to provide the required net worth and convince investors looking for pilot projects for funding. The meeting also provided a detailed explanation of the most important services provided by the Centre for the development of small and medium enterprises of small and medium enterprise sector and road workers.  The Chamber has developed a program of ' pioneer ' with the aim of spreading the culture of entrepreneurship among young students of universities, colleges and institutes in the region and reach them in their places for planting culture of self-employment and transfer student job seekers to job opportunities, and the Centre for the development of small and medium enterprises to help new entrepreneurs and innovators and small businesses, offering them advice and guidance free of charge, in the various fields.

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